sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Google changing lives

Importance of Google
Google has been the most important web page in the internet for a lot of years now, it has been a very important page because it is a browser, a page that you can use to find anything you are looking for in the internet. If you want to find some information about something, you can find it on Google, if you want to find some videos about something, you can find it on Google, or simply if you want to find the news of your city, you can find them on Google.
It is true that Google is not the only browser in all the internet, but it is at least the most known web page in all the world. It was also the first browser that became popular, that made Google more important and got more people to use it compared to the other pages.
Nowadays, Google Is not only a web page to find information or some other web page, Google also owns other pages like YouTube, that is the most famous web page to see videos from other people, famous people or random people, anyone can upload a video to YouTube and  everybody can see it.
It has been growing a lot through the years, it has its own explorer, it is called Chrome, and it is much better than internet explorer from Microsoft, which is extremely slow. Google owns its own operative system for the cell phones called android, a direct competition to the ios from apple and its iPhone. A difference there, is that android is on a lot of important cell phones companies, such as Sony Xperia, Samsung, Motorola and some others.
Google has revolutionized the world an innovated the internet and the technology of the world, who knows what could have happen without Google, maybe some other browser did the same things, maybe we wouldn’t have any kind of browser in the internet, maybe we would still be using internet explorer. We will never know.
This is a video to show the power of Google, it is an example of how people can change the world.
But, is that world going to be better with Google?
Maybe yes, or maybe no...

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